Friday, May 15, 2020

ऑनलाईन विक्रीतून व्यवसाय वाढवा – Article 2

हेन्री फोर्डने पहिली मोटार रस्त्यावर चालवली तेव्हा काही जुन्या विचाराना चिकटून राहणारे लोक म्हणाले, हे तात्पुरते ‘फॅड’ आहे जे जाणार  आहे आणि घोडागाड्याच कायम, पुढेही राहणार  आहेत. आज जगाला किती वाहनांचा उपयोग झाला हे आपल्याला दिसते. याचा अर्थ नक्की की ज्या नव्या गोष्टीत जगाला उपयोग दिसतो ती गोष्ट लोक उचलून  धरतात, अधिकाधिक वापरतात.
थोडक्यात बदलत्या काळाबरोबर आपणही दृष्टिकोन बदलायला हवा !
तुम्हीच विचार करा… आमच्यावेळी असे नव्हते… आमच्यावेळी हे, ते  नव्हते, असे आपण किती दिवस बोलणार. साधे उदाहरण  घ्या. चुलीच्याजागी किचन गॅस आला, आता इंडक्शनवर स्वयंपाक होतो. कारण काळ बदलत जातो, नवनवे प्रोडक्ट्स येतात. जीवनशैली बदलते. तरीही काही व्यक्ती आपला दृष्टिकोन का बदलत नाहीत! या मानसिकतेचे एक कारण आहे. त्यांना जे चालले ते ठीक चालले आहे, मग का ते बदलायचे असे वाटते. नव्या गोष्टी स्वीकारण्यात त्यांना रिस्क वाटते. त्यांना नीट माहिती नसते, ती किती सोपी आहे, प्रगत आहे, त्यात कसा जास्त फायदा आहे ते तो माहीत करून घेत नाहीत. जे हे समजावून घेतात तेच पुढे जातात, जीवन, व्यवसाय समृद्ध करतात.
आज नव्या जगात सगळ्यात मोठा बदल आणला आहे मोबाईल फोन्स, कॉम्पुटर व Internet & websites ने आपली एकदुसऱ्याला  संपर्क करण्याची पद्धत बदलली आहे, वेगवान झाली आहे.  वस्तूंच्या खरेदी-विक्री करण्याच्या पद्धतीतही बदल झाला आहे.  लोक  आता जगभर online shopping करत आहेत. घरी लागणाऱ्या गहू तांदळापासून कॉस्मेटिक्स, कपडे, शूज व मोबाईल फोनपर्यंत आपण वेबसाईट पाहून वस्तू विकत घेत आहोत. या पद्धतीला आपण म्हणतो Online shopping, ती  आपण करतो E-Commerce website वर !
ऑनलाईन शॉपिंग-आता खरेदी लगेच आणि सहजपणे !
आठवा, परवाच तुम्ही बेडशीट्स खरेदी करण्यासाठी काय केलेत! मार्केटमध्ये गेलात , वेगवेगळी बेडशीट्स पहिलीत,  अनेक दुकाने फिरलात, व शेवटी पसंत पडलेले बेडशीट घरी आणलेत. यात वेळ, एनर्जी व पैसे खर्च झाले. हेच बेडशीट तुम्ही Online shopping website वर घरबसल्या मोबाईलवर, एखाद्या वेबसाईटवर सर्च केले असते व एका क्लिकने ते  घरपोच मिळवले असते. ऑनलाईन खरेदी आज इतकी सोपी व बचतही करणारी आहे.
तुम्हीही ऑनलाईन विक्रीतून व्यवसाय अनेक पटीने वाढवू शकता- थोड्या बजेटमध्ये!
व्यवसाय वाढवण्यासाठी आपण शोरूम ,शाखा वाढवतो. पण याबरोबर आता तुम्ही तुमच्या प्रोडक्ट्सची विक्री ऑनलाईन करू शकता. यासाठी मार्ग आहे आपल्या कंपनीची E Commerce Website तयार करणे! Web Design Agency in Pune ही ईकॉमर्स वेबसाईट तुम्हाला तयार करून देऊ शकते  या वेबसाईटवर तुम्ही आपल्या प्रोडक्ट्चा व त्यांची किंमत  सांगणारा E catalogue दाखवू शकता.
Ecommerce website:  पुरेपूर फायदे!
हा मार्ग तुम्हाला वाटतो तसा खर्चिक व अवघड नाही. तो वापरण्यास सोपा आहे.
  • शोरूम,दुकानाचा कामाचा व्याप व खर्च नाही.
  • वाजवी खर्चात ही वेबसाईट होऊ शकते व वेळोवेळी नवे प्रोडक्ट्स त्यावर दाखवता येतात. कमीतकमी संख्येची expert टीम हे काम करू शकते .
  • शोरूमसारखी यास सुट्टी नाही- येथे हा व्यवसाय तुम्ही २४ तास करू शकता.
  • ग्राहकांबरोबर प्रोडक्ट्च्या किमतीची घासाघीस नाही. पेमेन्टचे अकौंटही उत्तम ठेवता येते . यासाठी वेबसाईटला तुमच्या बँकेचे खाते जोडता येते व ग्राहक प्रोडक्ट् ऑर्डर करताना कार्डने पेमेंट भरतो व ते थेट तुमच्या खात्यात जमा होते . यालाच Payment gateway म्हणतात.
  • सर्वात महत्वाचे, तुमची वेबसाईट साऱ्या जगात प्रसारित होते व जगभर तुमचे प्रोडक्ट् विकले जाऊ शकते व व्यवसाय जगभर वाढतो.
  • ह्या वेबसाईटचा तुम्हाला जगातील हव्या त्या भागात प्रसार वेबसाईट एजन्सी तुम्हाला करून देते. त्यामळे तुमचा व्यवसाय तुमच्या Business & marketing Target प्रमाणे वाढवता येतो.
Bright Pixel ही Website Design & Development Company in Pune आहे. या एजन्सीने ऑनलाईन कॉस्मेटिक ब्रँड [ SSCPL Herbals ], पेंटिंग्ज [Saiartonline] , ऑनलाईन पैठणी [ Swapnagandha collection ], औषधे [ Green pharmacy ] कंपन्यांच्या ईकॉमर्स वेबसाईट Ecommerce website केल्या आहेत. दर महिन्याला ही एजन्सी या वेबसाईटवर नवनवे प्रोडक्ट्स या कंपन्यांनी दिलेल्या  माहितीनुसार प्रसारित करते व वेबसाईट्चा  प्रसार करते. यातून या Online sale of products दिवसागणिक वाढतो.
या कंपन्यांच्या वेबसाईट तुम्ही अवश्य पहा व त्यानंतर Bright Pixel website नक्कीच पहा . यात तुम्हाला Ecommerse website वेगवेगळ्या प्रोडक्ट्स साठी कसे  केले आहे हे पाहावयास मिळेल. यावर तुम्हाला Graphic design, Space branding , Brochure design, Website design, Digital marketing कामाची उपयुक्त माहिती मिळेल

Friday, April 17, 2020


Quarantine – A period of isolation. Frustrated??? Worried for your business???
There’s no equation these are uncertain times, but how we have business and leaders react to the situation and proactively prepare for the future will set us apart.
We do not allow us all to go out, but technology is allowing people to carry on in many areas of their work.  We can assume that the more people are working from home, the more flexible the ‘workday’ becomes. This means that people may do personal or business types of searches at any hour of the day or evening. So why waste time????
How a business treats marketing can make or break them. The answer in these times is to not stop marketing. It’s a good idea to reallocate the existing marketing budget (like the budget for events or billboards) to different digital channels.
To – dos for marketers in the current crises.
Shift Offline To Online Marketing.
Website and social media platforms are excellent marketing tools. Ultimately, online marketing gives you the opportunity to market your brand in creative and exciting ways.  Morden business must ensure that we do not leave them behind. An online presence is one of the most important investment that a business can make.
Create A Standout Business Website.
Think of your website as the cornerstone of your brand. It will probably be the first point at which people learn about your business.
Redesign Your Website.
Ideally, you should do a full redesign of your website every two to three years to stay Morden. A website should communicate in a better way with your customers. To make your website more appealing and easy navigation system to gain more visitors and increase sales. To make the website more visually appealing with the latest graphic technologies.
Search Engine Optimisation.
SEO is a long-term strategy. You should not divert your SEO budget, you should carry on because Google’s algorithms are not taking a break during a crisis.
Ramp Up Your Digital Content.
Most consumers shop across multiple channels want to connect and engage with brands through digital channels. Most business has made or are begging to make the transition to better engage today’s digital consumers. They must integrate offline with online methods, they must collect consumer data across all touchpoints, and marketers understand that personalized digital experiences will drive success.
Don’t isolate your business marketing.
For more details, please contact “Bright pixel” Pune most reliable digital marketing agency.
Bright your business future with bright pixel.
Stay home.. Stay safe .

Saturday, March 7, 2020

7 - Off-Page SEO Strategies

What is on-page SEO?

On-page SEO consists of things associated with an internet site that you simply can control and directly manipulate. The foremost basic tactics that are used for on-page SEO are using keywords in your content, optimizing meta descriptions, HTML code, alt tags, and title tags. Aside from this, it’s also important to think about things like content quality, page performance, and content structure.
Off-page SEO refers to the factors that occur outside your website which will indirectly be influenced.
What is Off-page SEO?

As mentioned earlier, off-page SEO refers to all or any the activities that happen faraway from your website. These activities can helps to increase the ranking of a page with search engines. In simple words, off-page SEO tells Google what others believe your website.

Importance of Off-page SEO

Google takes many off-page factors into consideration when deciding where to rank a webpage. A huge majority of individuals start their searches on Google. Combine that with the very fact that the primary five results on Google get 67.6% of all clicks, and you'll understand why off-page SEO is vital.
It’s no surprise that traffic is extremely powerful for a business. And organic traffic generally features a lot of specific and high intent traffic, which may cause better quality leads.

What are the off-page ranking factors?

The most common off-page ranking factors are – Link Building, Social Media & Social Bookmarking. Therefore, it’s essential that you simply have well-placed techniques and methods associated with off-page optimization.

Off-Page SEO Strategies to Rank Higher on Google

1. Link Building Remains King

Link building is that the practice of building one-way hyperlinks, also referred to as backlinks, to an internet site . However, quality is more important than quantity. Why? Because when someone links to a different website, they're effectively saying it's an honest resource. it's widely accepted that when all ranking factors are equal, the quantity and quality of backlinks make the difference between rankings.
Before developing quality link building strategies, there are four attributes you want to understand:

1. Do follow – Dofollow may be a link that tells the search engines to crawl them and count them as contributions for quality link building.
2. No follow – Nofollow links are links with a rel=”nofollow’ HTML tag. This tells an enquiry engine to not associate an internet site thereupon link.
3. Sponsored Links – the rel= ”sponsored’’ may be a new sort of designation Google released on September 10th. they're paid adverts within the sort of hypertext that shows abreast of the results page.
4. UGC Links – Rel = “ugc” is another new designation Google released on September 10th. UGC is brief for “user-generated content” like links in blog comments, forums, etc.

2. Establish Your Expertise

Building thought leadership within the online sphere comes with many benefits. It can improve your SEO, create brand recognition, and convey repeat traffic. Moreover, visitors will likely stay your website for much longerThis may allow you to push them to different websites through internal links. Why is that important? it'll increase the interaction metric and contribute to SEO success.
But there are more benefits of building your expertise within the industry:

Higher indexing and crawling rates for your website

§ Attract quality website traffic
§ Increased leads for your business
§ Higher CTR supported brand recognition
§ Building visibility online
§ Increasing rankings on search engines
§ Improving website conversions

Here is how you'll establish your thought leadership:

§ Stick to your area of experience .
§ Speak at industry conferences
§ Get published on websites like Forbes, Entrepreneurship, Business To Community, hooked in to Success, as often as possible

3. PR Is Now Digital

Digital PR may be a tactic that brands use to extend their online presence by gaining press hits, citations, and high-quality backlinks. When done right, it can increase your website’s reach and visibility by driving referral traffic. It also proves to look engines that your website is legitimate, relevant, and active. Thus, leading to much higher trust scores and better rankings.

Here are a couple of methods of digital PR which will impact your SEO:

§ Blogger Outreach
§ Online Press Releases
§ Social Media Marketing
§ Online Reputation Management

4. Make the web mention You – Brand Mentions

In simple terms, a brand mention is when someone talks about your product online. Here are a couple of alternative ways to create mentions:

§ Guest blogging
§ Social campaigns
§ Providing strong Customer Service

5. Get Your Video Production Game On

Over the years, videos have proven their ability to extend online visibility, website traffic, and website ranking. Videos end in 50x more likely to realize Organic Ranking than Plain Text Results.
Videos are helps to reduce bounce rates, increase click-through rates, improve backlink profile, among others.
Therefore, investing time and money in video production may result in some amazing results for both your SEO and marketing purposes.

6. Breath New Life Into Old Content
Content repurposing allows you to use old content and gain value from those blogs and posts. once you prefer to repurpose, you have already got a headstart on the creation process. There are various benefits of repurposing your content also . It allows you to possess more high-quality content which can cause a greater online presence.

Let’s take a glance at how you'll repurpose your content:

§ Turn webinars into video tutorials
§ Turn old blog posts into comprehensive guides
§ Turn internal data into case studies
§ Turn PowerPoint presentation into a slide deck
§ Turn visual content into a Pinterest board
§ Turn quora q & ans into a blog post
§ Turn slideshow into an infographic
§ Turn blog posts into tips newsletter
§ Turn blog posts into a podcasts

7. Leverage Local Business Listings
You may wonder how your business information is said to your website’s ranking. It all boils right down to your overall quality score. Google looks at every place your business is online and assigns you a score via a sophisticated algorithm.
One way to enhance this score is to make sure that your business is mentioned everywhere correctly. Even a comma within the wrong place can affect your quality score. Moreover, having your business listed in many authority directories helps with SEO link building.
Google My Business, Yahoo Local, telephone book, CrunchBase are a couple of online directories that you simply can get your business listed on.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

4 Important Tips Of Branding

The original mad man and ad Guru who launched Fevicol, Dove and American Express 50 years ago says it in a nutshell about branding in simplest words-

“It isn’t the whiskey they choose, it’s the image.” 
 ― David Ogilvy
Well, the norm that is still reigning supreme in the digital age.
The branding and brand image promotion starts from logo and reaches to 
digital media.

Tip1: Create a brand identity. 

Logo design speaks for brand identity, benefits and image-which is further transferred in  its brand positioning line, color scheme and promotion in media.

Tip2: Build the brand image objectively 

To build the brand image in totality, a certain benefit  is projected as a differentiation. One has to consider its positioning viz-a-viz its price, target buyer and the market. Dettol is antiseptic, Dove has moisturizer, Volvo boasts of safety. Although all products in the same genre have similar benefits.

Tip3: Include digital media in your brand promotion plan.

Create website, social media presence on FB, INSTAGRAM. 
Also, make communication with the prospects through mailers. This way you will have the brand presence on the internet.

Tip3: Maintain continuity

The most important thing in branding is continuity. Remember ‘fair & lovely’ cream- the entire advertising from packaging to poster to FB page to tvc’s – everything is in Pink color. So make sure you achieve it in digital media for faster recall.

Tip4: SEO is equally important for brand promotion

Your brand may be good, the website may be effective. Yet the SEO – Search Engine Optimization-is needed in optimizing your site. There are branding agencies, graphic design agencies and web design agencies who do this work -

to make your site visible and reach out to your buyer.

This way you increase the probability of your audience knowing about you. The search on the topic relates to your brand brings your site in the top 10 searches instantly.

If your brand promotion is done well, people will start searching for your brand as well. It’ll be far easier to rank for your brand than for a lot of other search terms.

Bright Pixel is the unique, creative web design agency in Pune that specializes in Branding, It has successfully developed for several client's Corporate identity design/logos, web design, SEO and digital promotion in social media.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Be a Smart Pinner on Pinterest Make Smarter Profits

1. Make your product a hero- offer the product promise-
Don’t beat around the bush in visuals and content- talk straight about your company and product is the hero.

2. Be different, yet relevant- that’s creative-
Make the entire presentation a breath of fresh air, different from the predictable, expected.

3. More visuals, apt content- One picture is worth a thousand words and more attracting, effective that to tell in text. However, the text is important to take the visual ahead. 

4. know of the PIN APPEAL- The pin has to appeal psychologically, neuro-linguistically to the viewer’s senses- further telling the benefit of the product.

5. Let the content tell a story- Storytelling is heard, read by anyone in the age of 6 to 60- and the message is driven home- no matter what is the product.

6.Pin at a regular frequency- Don’t keep the pin unchanged for a longer time. Change it, let the viewer get addicted to looking forward to the new pin.

7. Plan the whole year’s pins- View the year in advance with the product marketing objectives. Keep the seasonality of the product in mind, specific offer days like valentine’s day, a new year, Xmas, anniversary day, e.g. Amazon anniversary sale- and devise pins accordingly.

8. Make value addition offers financial every quarter- Every company looks at growth as per the financial year, The fin. Year is in 4 quarters. Each quarter preview the possibilities of increasing the sales and devise offers accordingly they can be on multiple or single purchases, a sale for a span, or connecting to a specific event.

9. Devise a strategy to attract eyeballs- The strategy is to attract- create desire- tell benefit, evoke action. Every pin should have the power to stop, pull and make the viewer go for the product – or recall.

10. Don’t forget PIN SEO- Optimisation is needed for pins also like any other digital vehicle- hence key words are center stage for every pin.

11. Simplify- simplify- simplify- The entire pin has to tell the story in one go - do not puzzle the viewer, make it lucid yet intriguing.

12. Filter your audience and target in the pin- There is no point in making a generalized pin that attracts all- what’s the use if it is not relevant to 80% of the viewers who don’t need it- e.g. an aftershave lotion is needed by adult males- why attract women, children who are not buyers. Let the pin in the first go to reach the guys who want it- and tell them the benefit.

13. Pl makes it a pleasant experience- Let them not be serious and gloomy like some art films or festival films. Here we are selling dreams- a make-believe world. Pins are like TVCS or FM ads – they don’t have to depress you- after all, it is the new-age form of advertising- it has to raise your aspirations for a better, happier life. 

14. Finally make it easy to shop- After you have won the heart of the viewer, he/she may want to buy the product. Make the link to purchase easy to reach.

Bright Pixel, a unique Pune based web and digital Design and Development Company in Pune, has a research based model that offers pins with a specific penetration and impact on the corresponding Target Group. The firm not only follows the above pointers to create effective pins but more that are in its media magic bag. To know more on this and other avenues of winning the buyer’s heart in the digital , internet world , do visit our blog section, on our website.

Happy, profitable pinning!