Showing posts with label bright pixel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bright pixel. Show all posts

Monday, October 12, 2020

Is Your Web Design Hurting Your Conversions?

Are you puzzled why your conversion rate is so low? Several marketing professionals are willing to try everything possible on the planet to hike their conversion rates. They try making new calls to action, initiate campaigns to drive back traffic to the website, and offer perks to new clients who convert. But, when all these efforts fail to work, the marketing guys are helpless and pull their hair wondering what went wrong. Are you suffering from a similar situation? The reason could be as simple as poor website design.

Here are some of the key design mistakes that might be having an adverse impact on your conversions:

  1. Using Stock Photos

As buying or creating custom images can be expensive and involve great deal of time, several brands rely on stock images. Using stock images is usually distracting and can make your page look unprofessional. This is no sci-fi theory; it is a fact that has been proven by researches. Making an investment in professional photos is worth the effort. We at Bright-Pixel, Website Design Agency In Pune, understand this.

  1. Auto Play

Have you experienced how irritating it is when loud music starts playing or a promotional video begins as soon as you land on the webpage? You must have chosen to exit the website immediately. Most of the web surfers leave the webpage when caught by such off-guard music or videos if they cannot soon find how to silence it.

  1. Too Many Pop-Ups

A well-placed pop-up won’t affect your rate of conversion, but if it is affecting the user from reading the content, you need to give it a second thought. Make sure your pop-ups don’t scare away the users. Assess the click and conversion of each pop-up before deciding whether to keep it or not. Remove unnecessary ones to simplify your design of website and turn it user-friendly.

  1. Poor Content

Customers first skim through the landing page prior to decide whether to convert or not. That is the reason why your content should be easy to grasp. For instance, if you are an attorney, don’t put legal jargon on your website else your clients would be turn off. The message that you want to convey must be easy to understand.

  1. Too Much Design Elements

The golden rule in Web Designing is: ‘Less is more’. A fancy layout doesn’t work. Too many animations, pop-ups, images and videos would be ineffective. Too much design elements slow down the browsing speed. You may be mistaken that too many elements may grab the attention but it may in fact be annoying the user.

  1. Less Mobile- Friendly

It may seem apparent but there are several brands that fail to understand the importance of mobile-friendly website. It has been found that users first browse a product prior to purchase. If your website fails to be user-friendly the clients would not make a purchase. The load time should be swift as well. Bright Pixel, Website Development Company in Punemakes their website interface easy to use.

  1. No Search Box

A search box is highly useful for a website as the customer may opt to search on your website if he fails to find something on the landing page instead of looking else where to find it. Lack of a search box makes the user compulsory to navigate through web pages. If the number of clicks to find the information are far too many when the client might choose to exit. You can avoid this by placing a simple search box on the top of the web page.

You can increase the rate of conversion and accelerate your business by adopting these changes in your website. If you are considering to build your own web site or need advice on Digital Marketing or SEO you can contact Bright Pixel – Website Design Company In Pune.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Grow Your Small Business with Retargeting

Imagine this scene: You visit a shopping site to find the perfect pair of shoes for your morning walk. You chose one and place them in your cart, but as you’re about to place the order, you receive an urgent call that provokes you to leave the site before you can finish the purchase. In the material world, that is where the story sadly ends. Your pair of perfect shoes sit in your abandoned shopping cart, and you probably fail to recall about them.

But, how would be the situation if the store had a means to keep track of you and the shoes you nearly purchased? How would it be if, a few days later, you see an advertisement on an email flyer offering those perfect shoes and present you a 15% discount? Would you purchase them?  You’d be more probable to remember how perfect the shoes were and finally go back and buy them. Basically, this is how retargeted ads work.

What is Retargeting? Simply put, retargeting is the process of converting window-shoppers into buyers. It is a marketing strategy that allows you to target users who visited your website for the first time and left without converting.
As per a research, only 2% of users that visit your website initially for the first time will convert or follow through with your call to action. With this approach, yet, you can try re-engaging the remaining 98% by screening them appropriate ads meeting their interest to get them to come back to your site and make a purchase.

There is a constant evolvement in the digital advertising space. Along with this evolution arrives the need for segmentation. Delivery of a convincing message to your site visitors who are not converted is a valuable method for growing sales and to capitalize on your digital Return on Investment. The necessity to be shrewd with the messaging, and continue your focus on the long term, is further vital than ever.

Irrespective of how memorable or interesting your business might be, majority of people who visit your site or are going to leave short of signing up, buying, or contacting you. Retargeting ads keeps your brand in the memory of visitors after they leave, giving you a second, third, or even fourth chance to fetch them back and convert. Retargeting can be unbelievably effective for businesses that invest the time and effort to manage and optimize their ad campaigns.

Why Retargeting is must to bloom your small business? Retargeting, is a commanding way to reach your customers with exactly the right message at exactly the right point in their customer journey. Retargeting is an honestly upfront, cookie-based practice. Each time a new visitor visits your site, the code known as a pixel drops an unspecified browser cookie. Further, when your visitors browse the web, the cookie will allow your retargeting provider know when to display your ads, confirming that your content is visible only to people who have formerly visited your site.

At Bright Pixel, a leading digital marketing agency in Pune, you can meet your retargeting advertising needs. You can let your business grow manifold by advertising via our online marketing company in Pune. The two main goals for retargeting campaigns are typically awareness or conversion and these goals are met by Bright Pixel, social media agency in Pune.

Friday, May 15, 2020

ऑनलाईन विक्रीतून व्यवसाय वाढवा – Article 2

हेन्री फोर्डने पहिली मोटार रस्त्यावर चालवली तेव्हा काही जुन्या विचाराना चिकटून राहणारे लोक म्हणाले, हे तात्पुरते ‘फॅड’ आहे जे जाणार  आहे आणि घोडागाड्याच कायम, पुढेही राहणार  आहेत. आज जगाला किती वाहनांचा उपयोग झाला हे आपल्याला दिसते. याचा अर्थ नक्की की ज्या नव्या गोष्टीत जगाला उपयोग दिसतो ती गोष्ट लोक उचलून  धरतात, अधिकाधिक वापरतात.
थोडक्यात बदलत्या काळाबरोबर आपणही दृष्टिकोन बदलायला हवा !
तुम्हीच विचार करा… आमच्यावेळी असे नव्हते… आमच्यावेळी हे, ते  नव्हते, असे आपण किती दिवस बोलणार. साधे उदाहरण  घ्या. चुलीच्याजागी किचन गॅस आला, आता इंडक्शनवर स्वयंपाक होतो. कारण काळ बदलत जातो, नवनवे प्रोडक्ट्स येतात. जीवनशैली बदलते. तरीही काही व्यक्ती आपला दृष्टिकोन का बदलत नाहीत! या मानसिकतेचे एक कारण आहे. त्यांना जे चालले ते ठीक चालले आहे, मग का ते बदलायचे असे वाटते. नव्या गोष्टी स्वीकारण्यात त्यांना रिस्क वाटते. त्यांना नीट माहिती नसते, ती किती सोपी आहे, प्रगत आहे, त्यात कसा जास्त फायदा आहे ते तो माहीत करून घेत नाहीत. जे हे समजावून घेतात तेच पुढे जातात, जीवन, व्यवसाय समृद्ध करतात.
आज नव्या जगात सगळ्यात मोठा बदल आणला आहे मोबाईल फोन्स, कॉम्पुटर व Internet & websites ने आपली एकदुसऱ्याला  संपर्क करण्याची पद्धत बदलली आहे, वेगवान झाली आहे.  वस्तूंच्या खरेदी-विक्री करण्याच्या पद्धतीतही बदल झाला आहे.  लोक  आता जगभर online shopping करत आहेत. घरी लागणाऱ्या गहू तांदळापासून कॉस्मेटिक्स, कपडे, शूज व मोबाईल फोनपर्यंत आपण वेबसाईट पाहून वस्तू विकत घेत आहोत. या पद्धतीला आपण म्हणतो Online shopping, ती  आपण करतो E-Commerce website वर !
ऑनलाईन शॉपिंग-आता खरेदी लगेच आणि सहजपणे !
आठवा, परवाच तुम्ही बेडशीट्स खरेदी करण्यासाठी काय केलेत! मार्केटमध्ये गेलात , वेगवेगळी बेडशीट्स पहिलीत,  अनेक दुकाने फिरलात, व शेवटी पसंत पडलेले बेडशीट घरी आणलेत. यात वेळ, एनर्जी व पैसे खर्च झाले. हेच बेडशीट तुम्ही Online shopping website वर घरबसल्या मोबाईलवर, एखाद्या वेबसाईटवर सर्च केले असते व एका क्लिकने ते  घरपोच मिळवले असते. ऑनलाईन खरेदी आज इतकी सोपी व बचतही करणारी आहे.
तुम्हीही ऑनलाईन विक्रीतून व्यवसाय अनेक पटीने वाढवू शकता- थोड्या बजेटमध्ये!
व्यवसाय वाढवण्यासाठी आपण शोरूम ,शाखा वाढवतो. पण याबरोबर आता तुम्ही तुमच्या प्रोडक्ट्सची विक्री ऑनलाईन करू शकता. यासाठी मार्ग आहे आपल्या कंपनीची E Commerce Website तयार करणे! Web Design Agency in Pune ही ईकॉमर्स वेबसाईट तुम्हाला तयार करून देऊ शकते  या वेबसाईटवर तुम्ही आपल्या प्रोडक्ट्चा व त्यांची किंमत  सांगणारा E catalogue दाखवू शकता.
Ecommerce website:  पुरेपूर फायदे!
हा मार्ग तुम्हाला वाटतो तसा खर्चिक व अवघड नाही. तो वापरण्यास सोपा आहे.
  • शोरूम,दुकानाचा कामाचा व्याप व खर्च नाही.
  • वाजवी खर्चात ही वेबसाईट होऊ शकते व वेळोवेळी नवे प्रोडक्ट्स त्यावर दाखवता येतात. कमीतकमी संख्येची expert टीम हे काम करू शकते .
  • शोरूमसारखी यास सुट्टी नाही- येथे हा व्यवसाय तुम्ही २४ तास करू शकता.
  • ग्राहकांबरोबर प्रोडक्ट्च्या किमतीची घासाघीस नाही. पेमेन्टचे अकौंटही उत्तम ठेवता येते . यासाठी वेबसाईटला तुमच्या बँकेचे खाते जोडता येते व ग्राहक प्रोडक्ट् ऑर्डर करताना कार्डने पेमेंट भरतो व ते थेट तुमच्या खात्यात जमा होते . यालाच Payment gateway म्हणतात.
  • सर्वात महत्वाचे, तुमची वेबसाईट साऱ्या जगात प्रसारित होते व जगभर तुमचे प्रोडक्ट् विकले जाऊ शकते व व्यवसाय जगभर वाढतो.
  • ह्या वेबसाईटचा तुम्हाला जगातील हव्या त्या भागात प्रसार वेबसाईट एजन्सी तुम्हाला करून देते. त्यामळे तुमचा व्यवसाय तुमच्या Business & marketing Target प्रमाणे वाढवता येतो.
Bright Pixel ही Website Design & Development Company in Pune आहे. या एजन्सीने ऑनलाईन कॉस्मेटिक ब्रँड [ SSCPL Herbals ], पेंटिंग्ज [Saiartonline] , ऑनलाईन पैठणी [ Swapnagandha collection ], औषधे [ Green pharmacy ] कंपन्यांच्या ईकॉमर्स वेबसाईट Ecommerce website केल्या आहेत. दर महिन्याला ही एजन्सी या वेबसाईटवर नवनवे प्रोडक्ट्स या कंपन्यांनी दिलेल्या  माहितीनुसार प्रसारित करते व वेबसाईट्चा  प्रसार करते. यातून या Online sale of products दिवसागणिक वाढतो.
या कंपन्यांच्या वेबसाईट तुम्ही अवश्य पहा व त्यानंतर Bright Pixel website नक्कीच पहा . यात तुम्हाला Ecommerse website वेगवेगळ्या प्रोडक्ट्स साठी कसे  केले आहे हे पाहावयास मिळेल. यावर तुम्हाला Graphic design, Space branding , Brochure design, Website design, Digital marketing कामाची उपयुक्त माहिती मिळेल

Friday, April 17, 2020


Quarantine – A period of isolation. Frustrated??? Worried for your business???
There’s no equation these are uncertain times, but how we have business and leaders react to the situation and proactively prepare for the future will set us apart.
We do not allow us all to go out, but technology is allowing people to carry on in many areas of their work.  We can assume that the more people are working from home, the more flexible the ‘workday’ becomes. This means that people may do personal or business types of searches at any hour of the day or evening. So why waste time????
How a business treats marketing can make or break them. The answer in these times is to not stop marketing. It’s a good idea to reallocate the existing marketing budget (like the budget for events or billboards) to different digital channels.
To – dos for marketers in the current crises.
Shift Offline To Online Marketing.
Website and social media platforms are excellent marketing tools. Ultimately, online marketing gives you the opportunity to market your brand in creative and exciting ways.  Morden business must ensure that we do not leave them behind. An online presence is one of the most important investment that a business can make.
Create A Standout Business Website.
Think of your website as the cornerstone of your brand. It will probably be the first point at which people learn about your business.
Redesign Your Website.
Ideally, you should do a full redesign of your website every two to three years to stay Morden. A website should communicate in a better way with your customers. To make your website more appealing and easy navigation system to gain more visitors and increase sales. To make the website more visually appealing with the latest graphic technologies.
Search Engine Optimisation.
SEO is a long-term strategy. You should not divert your SEO budget, you should carry on because Google’s algorithms are not taking a break during a crisis.
Ramp Up Your Digital Content.
Most consumers shop across multiple channels want to connect and engage with brands through digital channels. Most business has made or are begging to make the transition to better engage today’s digital consumers. They must integrate offline with online methods, they must collect consumer data across all touchpoints, and marketers understand that personalized digital experiences will drive success.
Don’t isolate your business marketing.
For more details, please contact “Bright pixel” Pune most reliable digital marketing agency.
Bright your business future with bright pixel.
Stay home.. Stay safe .