Showing posts with label seo services in pune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seo services in pune. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Make your SEO strong; Here are some tips.

 From the moment you start working on SEO on a client’s website, you may face countless optimization tactics. After heading down numerous loopholes, we Bright Pixel has come up with some important SEO tips to identify your low hanging fruit: the opportunities to generate great results with less effort.

Let’s first understand what SEO is and its Process.

SEO represents Search Engine Optimization, which is the act of increasing the amount and nature of traffic to your site through natural search engine results. SEO is the way toward advancing your online content so a search engine likes to show it as a top outcome for searches for a specific keyword.

You may consider a search engine as a site you visit to an inquiry into a box and Google, Yahoo, Bing, or other internet searcher, you’re using mysteriously answers with a list of links to pages that might actually address your inquiry.

Google and other search engines that you use have a crawler that goes out and assembles data pretty much all the substance they can discover on the Internet. The crawlers take each one of those 1s and 0s back to the internet searcher to make a list. That list is then taken care of through a calculation that attempts to coordinate all that data with your inquiry.

For eg., content quality and keyword research are key components of content optimization, crawlability and mobile friendliness are significant site architecture factors.

Why does SEO have importance in marketing?

SEO is an initial part of digital advertising, since individuals direct trillions of searches every year, often with business purpose to discover data about products and services. Search is regularly the essential source of digital traffic for brands and supplements other showcasing channels. More noteworthy perceivability and positioning higher in list items than your opposition can substantially affect your primary concern.

Here are some SEO tips.

  • Research for target audience
  • For increasing website traffic, it requires getting your site in front of the correct audience.
  • Improve already existing content with missing one.
  • Stick with longer content at least 2000 words will in general outclass more limited. content. Add relevant keywords.
  • Compose unique and relevant meta descriptions for every page.
  • Add inside links to new pages.
  • Decrease Bounce Rate and Increase Dwell Time.
  • Focus on video marketing.

  • Update the title and description on already uploaded videos to keep them searchable and significant.
  • Upgrade the video’s sound and video quality, just as graphic and pictures.
  • Coordinate recordings into the remainder of your site content.
  • Improve for voice search
  • Most voice searches are local this tip is for those who run local business or have a target group in a particular geographic zone.
  • Increase click through rate
  • Write headlines that appeal to searcher feelings. Use powerful words in your features to trigger a reaction from searchers. Include enclosures or sections for your titles to draw consideration.
  • Write a solid meta portrayal that separates your post. Grab visitors’ eyes with an over-the-overlap snare. Use internal connections to keep visitors moving to other relevant substances on your own site.
  • Remove that slows down your site
  • Information from a strange loop shows that a simple one-second delay in page loading can yield an incredible 7% loss in conversions.
  • Focus User Object
  • When directing keyword research, incorporate user intent inquiries and tie them along with voice search questions, similar questions, to help uphold those user intent questions.

Many more SEO tips out there, we have come up with some of them. We hope you’ve found these SEO tips supportive. We at Bright Pixel believe in providing a good quality work and best service. Have a look on our other blogs to get comprehensive knowledge of social media, web and other services. We Bright Pixel is an SEO company in Pune, India. We also provide Website Development, Web Design, Logo Design, and many other services.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Grow Your Small Business with Retargeting

Imagine this scene: You visit a shopping site to find the perfect pair of shoes for your morning walk. You chose one and place them in your cart, but as you’re about to place the order, you receive an urgent call that provokes you to leave the site before you can finish the purchase. In the material world, that is where the story sadly ends. Your pair of perfect shoes sit in your abandoned shopping cart, and you probably fail to recall about them.

But, how would be the situation if the store had a means to keep track of you and the shoes you nearly purchased? How would it be if, a few days later, you see an advertisement on an email flyer offering those perfect shoes and present you a 15% discount? Would you purchase them?  You’d be more probable to remember how perfect the shoes were and finally go back and buy them. Basically, this is how retargeted ads work.

What is Retargeting? Simply put, retargeting is the process of converting window-shoppers into buyers. It is a marketing strategy that allows you to target users who visited your website for the first time and left without converting.
As per a research, only 2% of users that visit your website initially for the first time will convert or follow through with your call to action. With this approach, yet, you can try re-engaging the remaining 98% by screening them appropriate ads meeting their interest to get them to come back to your site and make a purchase.

There is a constant evolvement in the digital advertising space. Along with this evolution arrives the need for segmentation. Delivery of a convincing message to your site visitors who are not converted is a valuable method for growing sales and to capitalize on your digital Return on Investment. The necessity to be shrewd with the messaging, and continue your focus on the long term, is further vital than ever.

Irrespective of how memorable or interesting your business might be, majority of people who visit your site or are going to leave short of signing up, buying, or contacting you. Retargeting ads keeps your brand in the memory of visitors after they leave, giving you a second, third, or even fourth chance to fetch them back and convert. Retargeting can be unbelievably effective for businesses that invest the time and effort to manage and optimize their ad campaigns.

Why Retargeting is must to bloom your small business? Retargeting, is a commanding way to reach your customers with exactly the right message at exactly the right point in their customer journey. Retargeting is an honestly upfront, cookie-based practice. Each time a new visitor visits your site, the code known as a pixel drops an unspecified browser cookie. Further, when your visitors browse the web, the cookie will allow your retargeting provider know when to display your ads, confirming that your content is visible only to people who have formerly visited your site.

At Bright Pixel, a leading digital marketing agency in Pune, you can meet your retargeting advertising needs. You can let your business grow manifold by advertising via our online marketing company in Pune. The two main goals for retargeting campaigns are typically awareness or conversion and these goals are met by Bright Pixel, social media agency in Pune.

Friday, May 15, 2020

ऑनलाईन विक्रीतून व्यवसाय वाढवा – Article 2

हेन्री फोर्डने पहिली मोटार रस्त्यावर चालवली तेव्हा काही जुन्या विचाराना चिकटून राहणारे लोक म्हणाले, हे तात्पुरते ‘फॅड’ आहे जे जाणार  आहे आणि घोडागाड्याच कायम, पुढेही राहणार  आहेत. आज जगाला किती वाहनांचा उपयोग झाला हे आपल्याला दिसते. याचा अर्थ नक्की की ज्या नव्या गोष्टीत जगाला उपयोग दिसतो ती गोष्ट लोक उचलून  धरतात, अधिकाधिक वापरतात.
थोडक्यात बदलत्या काळाबरोबर आपणही दृष्टिकोन बदलायला हवा !
तुम्हीच विचार करा… आमच्यावेळी असे नव्हते… आमच्यावेळी हे, ते  नव्हते, असे आपण किती दिवस बोलणार. साधे उदाहरण  घ्या. चुलीच्याजागी किचन गॅस आला, आता इंडक्शनवर स्वयंपाक होतो. कारण काळ बदलत जातो, नवनवे प्रोडक्ट्स येतात. जीवनशैली बदलते. तरीही काही व्यक्ती आपला दृष्टिकोन का बदलत नाहीत! या मानसिकतेचे एक कारण आहे. त्यांना जे चालले ते ठीक चालले आहे, मग का ते बदलायचे असे वाटते. नव्या गोष्टी स्वीकारण्यात त्यांना रिस्क वाटते. त्यांना नीट माहिती नसते, ती किती सोपी आहे, प्रगत आहे, त्यात कसा जास्त फायदा आहे ते तो माहीत करून घेत नाहीत. जे हे समजावून घेतात तेच पुढे जातात, जीवन, व्यवसाय समृद्ध करतात.
आज नव्या जगात सगळ्यात मोठा बदल आणला आहे मोबाईल फोन्स, कॉम्पुटर व Internet & websites ने आपली एकदुसऱ्याला  संपर्क करण्याची पद्धत बदलली आहे, वेगवान झाली आहे.  वस्तूंच्या खरेदी-विक्री करण्याच्या पद्धतीतही बदल झाला आहे.  लोक  आता जगभर online shopping करत आहेत. घरी लागणाऱ्या गहू तांदळापासून कॉस्मेटिक्स, कपडे, शूज व मोबाईल फोनपर्यंत आपण वेबसाईट पाहून वस्तू विकत घेत आहोत. या पद्धतीला आपण म्हणतो Online shopping, ती  आपण करतो E-Commerce website वर !
ऑनलाईन शॉपिंग-आता खरेदी लगेच आणि सहजपणे !
आठवा, परवाच तुम्ही बेडशीट्स खरेदी करण्यासाठी काय केलेत! मार्केटमध्ये गेलात , वेगवेगळी बेडशीट्स पहिलीत,  अनेक दुकाने फिरलात, व शेवटी पसंत पडलेले बेडशीट घरी आणलेत. यात वेळ, एनर्जी व पैसे खर्च झाले. हेच बेडशीट तुम्ही Online shopping website वर घरबसल्या मोबाईलवर, एखाद्या वेबसाईटवर सर्च केले असते व एका क्लिकने ते  घरपोच मिळवले असते. ऑनलाईन खरेदी आज इतकी सोपी व बचतही करणारी आहे.
तुम्हीही ऑनलाईन विक्रीतून व्यवसाय अनेक पटीने वाढवू शकता- थोड्या बजेटमध्ये!
व्यवसाय वाढवण्यासाठी आपण शोरूम ,शाखा वाढवतो. पण याबरोबर आता तुम्ही तुमच्या प्रोडक्ट्सची विक्री ऑनलाईन करू शकता. यासाठी मार्ग आहे आपल्या कंपनीची E Commerce Website तयार करणे! Web Design Agency in Pune ही ईकॉमर्स वेबसाईट तुम्हाला तयार करून देऊ शकते  या वेबसाईटवर तुम्ही आपल्या प्रोडक्ट्चा व त्यांची किंमत  सांगणारा E catalogue दाखवू शकता.
Ecommerce website:  पुरेपूर फायदे!
हा मार्ग तुम्हाला वाटतो तसा खर्चिक व अवघड नाही. तो वापरण्यास सोपा आहे.
  • शोरूम,दुकानाचा कामाचा व्याप व खर्च नाही.
  • वाजवी खर्चात ही वेबसाईट होऊ शकते व वेळोवेळी नवे प्रोडक्ट्स त्यावर दाखवता येतात. कमीतकमी संख्येची expert टीम हे काम करू शकते .
  • शोरूमसारखी यास सुट्टी नाही- येथे हा व्यवसाय तुम्ही २४ तास करू शकता.
  • ग्राहकांबरोबर प्रोडक्ट्च्या किमतीची घासाघीस नाही. पेमेन्टचे अकौंटही उत्तम ठेवता येते . यासाठी वेबसाईटला तुमच्या बँकेचे खाते जोडता येते व ग्राहक प्रोडक्ट् ऑर्डर करताना कार्डने पेमेंट भरतो व ते थेट तुमच्या खात्यात जमा होते . यालाच Payment gateway म्हणतात.
  • सर्वात महत्वाचे, तुमची वेबसाईट साऱ्या जगात प्रसारित होते व जगभर तुमचे प्रोडक्ट् विकले जाऊ शकते व व्यवसाय जगभर वाढतो.
  • ह्या वेबसाईटचा तुम्हाला जगातील हव्या त्या भागात प्रसार वेबसाईट एजन्सी तुम्हाला करून देते. त्यामळे तुमचा व्यवसाय तुमच्या Business & marketing Target प्रमाणे वाढवता येतो.
Bright Pixel ही Website Design & Development Company in Pune आहे. या एजन्सीने ऑनलाईन कॉस्मेटिक ब्रँड [ SSCPL Herbals ], पेंटिंग्ज [Saiartonline] , ऑनलाईन पैठणी [ Swapnagandha collection ], औषधे [ Green pharmacy ] कंपन्यांच्या ईकॉमर्स वेबसाईट Ecommerce website केल्या आहेत. दर महिन्याला ही एजन्सी या वेबसाईटवर नवनवे प्रोडक्ट्स या कंपन्यांनी दिलेल्या  माहितीनुसार प्रसारित करते व वेबसाईट्चा  प्रसार करते. यातून या Online sale of products दिवसागणिक वाढतो.
या कंपन्यांच्या वेबसाईट तुम्ही अवश्य पहा व त्यानंतर Bright Pixel website नक्कीच पहा . यात तुम्हाला Ecommerse website वेगवेगळ्या प्रोडक्ट्स साठी कसे  केले आहे हे पाहावयास मिळेल. यावर तुम्हाला Graphic design, Space branding , Brochure design, Website design, Digital marketing कामाची उपयुक्त माहिती मिळेल

Saturday, March 7, 2020

7 - Off-Page SEO Strategies

What is on-page SEO?

On-page SEO consists of things associated with an internet site that you simply can control and directly manipulate. The foremost basic tactics that are used for on-page SEO are using keywords in your content, optimizing meta descriptions, HTML code, alt tags, and title tags. Aside from this, it’s also important to think about things like content quality, page performance, and content structure.
Off-page SEO refers to the factors that occur outside your website which will indirectly be influenced.
What is Off-page SEO?

As mentioned earlier, off-page SEO refers to all or any the activities that happen faraway from your website. These activities can helps to increase the ranking of a page with search engines. In simple words, off-page SEO tells Google what others believe your website.

Importance of Off-page SEO

Google takes many off-page factors into consideration when deciding where to rank a webpage. A huge majority of individuals start their searches on Google. Combine that with the very fact that the primary five results on Google get 67.6% of all clicks, and you'll understand why off-page SEO is vital.
It’s no surprise that traffic is extremely powerful for a business. And organic traffic generally features a lot of specific and high intent traffic, which may cause better quality leads.

What are the off-page ranking factors?

The most common off-page ranking factors are – Link Building, Social Media & Social Bookmarking. Therefore, it’s essential that you simply have well-placed techniques and methods associated with off-page optimization.

Off-Page SEO Strategies to Rank Higher on Google

1. Link Building Remains King

Link building is that the practice of building one-way hyperlinks, also referred to as backlinks, to an internet site . However, quality is more important than quantity. Why? Because when someone links to a different website, they're effectively saying it's an honest resource. it's widely accepted that when all ranking factors are equal, the quantity and quality of backlinks make the difference between rankings.
Before developing quality link building strategies, there are four attributes you want to understand:

1. Do follow – Dofollow may be a link that tells the search engines to crawl them and count them as contributions for quality link building.
2. No follow – Nofollow links are links with a rel=”nofollow’ HTML tag. This tells an enquiry engine to not associate an internet site thereupon link.
3. Sponsored Links – the rel= ”sponsored’’ may be a new sort of designation Google released on September 10th. they're paid adverts within the sort of hypertext that shows abreast of the results page.
4. UGC Links – Rel = “ugc” is another new designation Google released on September 10th. UGC is brief for “user-generated content” like links in blog comments, forums, etc.

2. Establish Your Expertise

Building thought leadership within the online sphere comes with many benefits. It can improve your SEO, create brand recognition, and convey repeat traffic. Moreover, visitors will likely stay your website for much longerThis may allow you to push them to different websites through internal links. Why is that important? it'll increase the interaction metric and contribute to SEO success.
But there are more benefits of building your expertise within the industry:

Higher indexing and crawling rates for your website

§ Attract quality website traffic
§ Increased leads for your business
§ Higher CTR supported brand recognition
§ Building visibility online
§ Increasing rankings on search engines
§ Improving website conversions

Here is how you'll establish your thought leadership:

§ Stick to your area of experience .
§ Speak at industry conferences
§ Get published on websites like Forbes, Entrepreneurship, Business To Community, hooked in to Success, as often as possible

3. PR Is Now Digital

Digital PR may be a tactic that brands use to extend their online presence by gaining press hits, citations, and high-quality backlinks. When done right, it can increase your website’s reach and visibility by driving referral traffic. It also proves to look engines that your website is legitimate, relevant, and active. Thus, leading to much higher trust scores and better rankings.

Here are a couple of methods of digital PR which will impact your SEO:

§ Blogger Outreach
§ Online Press Releases
§ Social Media Marketing
§ Online Reputation Management

4. Make the web mention You – Brand Mentions

In simple terms, a brand mention is when someone talks about your product online. Here are a couple of alternative ways to create mentions:

§ Guest blogging
§ Social campaigns
§ Providing strong Customer Service

5. Get Your Video Production Game On

Over the years, videos have proven their ability to extend online visibility, website traffic, and website ranking. Videos end in 50x more likely to realize Organic Ranking than Plain Text Results.
Videos are helps to reduce bounce rates, increase click-through rates, improve backlink profile, among others.
Therefore, investing time and money in video production may result in some amazing results for both your SEO and marketing purposes.

6. Breath New Life Into Old Content
Content repurposing allows you to use old content and gain value from those blogs and posts. once you prefer to repurpose, you have already got a headstart on the creation process. There are various benefits of repurposing your content also . It allows you to possess more high-quality content which can cause a greater online presence.

Let’s take a glance at how you'll repurpose your content:

§ Turn webinars into video tutorials
§ Turn old blog posts into comprehensive guides
§ Turn internal data into case studies
§ Turn PowerPoint presentation into a slide deck
§ Turn visual content into a Pinterest board
§ Turn quora q & ans into a blog post
§ Turn slideshow into an infographic
§ Turn blog posts into tips newsletter
§ Turn blog posts into a podcasts

7. Leverage Local Business Listings
You may wonder how your business information is said to your website’s ranking. It all boils right down to your overall quality score. Google looks at every place your business is online and assigns you a score via a sophisticated algorithm.
One way to enhance this score is to make sure that your business is mentioned everywhere correctly. Even a comma within the wrong place can affect your quality score. Moreover, having your business listed in many authority directories helps with SEO link building.
Google My Business, Yahoo Local, telephone book, CrunchBase are a couple of online directories that you simply can get your business listed on.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Top 10 Best SEO Plugins & Tools for WordPress Website

 1.       Yoast SEO Plugin

It is one of the most downloaded WordPress plugin at all times. Yoast’s WordPress SEO is a comprehensive solution for all on-site SEO needs. It allows to add SEO title, meta description & meta keywords to each post and page of your site. You can also write custom title for your main site, archives, category & tag. It allows setting the preferred sitemap, page title, meta description &  URL.
  • It has power to link the site with Google Webmaster console for the task of verification.
  • This Best SEO Plugins & Tool offers full SEO page analysis and provides the score to the page based on some of the focus keywords.
  • On the basis of color indicators, you can identify the page is SEO optimized or not.
  • This plugin is free and can be downloaded from the WordPress. The premium version can be taken from the official website of Yoast.

2.    SEMrush

SEMRush is a tool that Pros use together analytics & insights from their competitor’s help improve their own SEO. You can learn about organic keywords to rank for, places where you can get backlinks from, insights into competitor’s advertising  strategies & more. SEMrush is paid subscription and is used by thousands of SEO professionals all over the world. It can provide an enormous wealth of data.

3.     SEO Ultimate
This is another name in the list of Best SEO Plugins & Tool which is free to use and can be downloaded from a repository of WordPress. It is used for the task of complete on-page Search Engine Optimisation.
  • There is a tag rewriter feature that helps in editing title posts and helps in higher SEO ranking.
  • You can add a Meta description of posts, attachments, categories, and tags etc.
  • There is a features of internal linking through which you can create deep links.
  • You can create open graph data, homepage, user profiles etc with the help of open graph feature.

4.     The SEO framework 

This is a free SEO plugin which has the ability to provide SEO solution that is best for any WordPress site. To look for a reliable SEO solution, this is one of the Best SEO Plugins and tool.
  • This plugin has the feature of supporting bbPress & WooCommerce etc.
  • There is a SEO solution which is beginner friendly.
  • In order to prevent duplicate content, it creates canonical URL with domain mapping.
  • You can create open graph images according to the requirements of users.

5.     SEO Squirrl
Another name in the list of Best SEO Plugin and tool is SEO Squirrly. This tool is actually for the beginners who do not have much knowledge about the SEO. You can create high-quality content which is user-friendly.
  • You can get copyright free images with using this plugin.
  • With just a few clicks, you can focus on e-commerce SEO strategy.
  • You can decide how your website will look on Google with the help of JSON-LD structure & the snippet of squirrly.
  • You will get email alerts in case of any attention is required on the site.

6.     GT-Matrix
GTMetrix is one of the tool that we have found ourselves using more and more to get detailed reports about our site's performance. It is a free tool that analyzes your page's speed using Google Page Speed

7.     Broken link checker

This WordPress plugin helps to check any broken links on the blog or the website. If it finds any, you get a quick notification. Once installed, this plugin will start the task by analyzing the post and other website content to get links. Then it checks if all the links are working properly.
  • Along with the broken links, this plugin helps to detect the missing images, redirects, and links that are not working.
  • You will get an email or a notification on dashboard in case of any findings.
  • It prevents the search engine to follow any of the broken links.
  • From the plugin page, broken links can be directly edited.

8.     WordPress Ping Optimizer
Whenever a new post is published on the website, WordPress has internal feature of service ping. The services that have to ping can be added in the dashboard on the setting page.
  • This optimizer helps to prevent the blog from getting marked as a ping spammer.

9.     WooCommerce
 This is an all in one SEO pack which is one of the Best SEO Plugin and tool. You will be able to see an all in one SEO pack dialog box that appears on the edit products or products screen in WooCommerce.
  • It is very easy and simple to use
  • You can edit & organize meta information of all in one SEO pack

10.     Simple 301 redirects 
This is another Best SEO Plugin which is a free plugin. It is designed in order to provide you with some simple strategies of redirecting a request from one page to another page on the website.
  • You get an easier way to redirect the request to other pages.
  • You can set up 301 redirects from the older page to new page..
These are some of the Best SEO Plugin and tools that can be used in the year 2019 for the WordPressE-commerce Websites.