Tuesday, December 10, 2019

5 Powerful LinkedIn Marketing Tips

LinkedIn has definitely come a long way from its release in the year 2003. In just over two decades LinkedIn has spanned into a massive global social platform with many users. In its early days, LinkedIn was all about jobs and resumes but in today’s era, this platform has managed to walk beyond the shell of just jobs and resumes.

People share their views and opinions on various aspects on LinkedIn. They write and share microblogs, pictures, vital excerpts and much more. LinkedIn has morphed into a global business growth platform as it provides a tremendous opportunity for all kinds of ventures be it small businesses or big.

Just like Facebook Marketing, LinkedIn has also welcomed the world of advertising and now you can even generate leads by running paid ad campaigns on LinkedIn, all for a streamlined audience. The plus point here is, LinkedIn marketing is highly powerful and efficient.
Here are few powerful LinkedIn marketing tips that will surely help your business soar.

1.       Create a Good Company Page

A well-equipped company page makes things easier for a brand. Your company page is one of your best assets to reach out to the right people in the LinkedIn world. Make sure you add all the valuable details of your company on the page to build a trust level amongst your audience. Be it the logo, the company size, the category, the posts or your website URL, all of it helps to generate traffic and build trust.

2.       Indulge in Some Good Content

You must have heard it and read it a thousand times, ‘Content is the King!’, well that’s because it is and there are no two ways about it. The more you write and put it out there, the more you succeed in creating a strong position for you and your brand in the digital world. Try and provide value by adding some weight to the content, make it more relevant to the topic you are focusing on. Good content helps in retaining and engaging your audience.

3.       Connect to Individuals

LinkedIn helps you search people who would be relevant and would be a great help to your venture or business in an extremely efficient manner. It is all about building a network at the end of the day. So, make sure you search for relevant people and make a connection by initiating talks.

4.       Promote your Page and Posts
Just creating a credible page is not enough, promotions play an important role. Make sure you boost the content on your page and also make sure you optimize your LinkedIn page. You could add the ‘Follow’ button of your page on your email signature, blogs and website for more exposure.
You could run great ad campaigns on LinkedIn and hit the exact target audience as everything on this platform is very streamlined.

5.       Use Hashtags, Image and Videos

Hashtags are a powerful tool on every social media platform and LinkedIn is no different. Using hashtags is a great way to be discovered by your target audience.
Visual content has a great appeal and attracts a larger crowd. Trying to give out your message using images and videos on your company page or your personal profile will definitely gather a lot of traction.

These were some of the simple yet powerful LinkedIn Marketing tips. We at Bright Pixel being one of the Best Digital Marketing company in Pune and also one of the efficient social media marketing company in Pune make sure that the marketing is done right by leveraging the social media platforms for the benefit of the brand. We also are one of the great SEO company in Pune.
Visit our website to know all about us.


Monday, November 11, 2019

How Important is a Logo To Your Brand

1. Grab Viewers Attention

Attention span are short these days – especially consumers.
As things stand, companies have about 2 seconds to convince customers that their products are worth any consideration.
A logo can quickly ‘grab viewers’ attention and communicate a company’s core value in an interesting way. That short attention span  you know, the one that causes consumer to judge your business by its appearance – can work to your advantages, if you have a solid logo to speak for your company.  

2. Makes a Strong Impression

 A logo is a company’s first Impression to consumers. If designed well, it can offence the interest of the public and invite them to learn more about the company; if not, you’ve just alienated a potential customer base and basically tanked your business.
 Your logo introduces your company as an authority in a professional space from the get-go.

3. Your Brand Identity

Successful branding is about telling a story that influence customers’ emotions – plain and simple.  
And, while it’s true that logo design is only a part of a company brand, it serve as the foundation for the entire narrative on which the brand is built.
Colors, tones, fonts – all this is determined by the story you’re trying to tell, and your logo sets the stage for this story.
These elements will later translate from your logo onto all of your branding materials – letterheads, business cards, landing pages, you name it – creating a concrete, marketable brand identity.  

4. Visual = Memorable

Logos are a point of identification.The symbol that customers used to recognize your brand. Ideally, you want people to instantly connect the sight of your logo with the memory of what your company does–and, more importantly, how it makes them feel.
Because a good logo is a visual, aesthetically pleasing, it triggers positive recall about your brand that the name of your company alone might not.
And, if we’re being honest, some of your audience will probably forget the name of your business, but they’ll immediately associate your logo with their memories of your brand.


5. Separates You From Competition

Dare to be different with your logo’s, because your company logo tells consumers why your business is unique. Sure, maybe there are 50 other coffee shops in your city, but yours is the one that’s committee to sustainability, and your green, earthy logo drives that message home.
A well-designed company logo can communicate everything from the company’s background to their mission through the right icon or proper font.
Your logo is the forum to both convey your values and show consumer why you’re not like your competitors – you’re better.


6. Fosters Brand Loyalty

As your brand grows, your logo will become familiar to consumers, and this familiarity creates the perception that you’re trustworthy and accessible.
Once they like you, your customers will seek u out again and again–and your logo is the thing they’ll look for first.

7. Your Audience Expects It

Your logo is the first thing that audience will look for when they see any communications from your brand. It should be front and center of your marketing materials such as business cards, flyers, advertisements, etc.

If you don’t have a logo (and one that stands out), then you are missing an opportunity to make your business stick in the minds of your audience.

So there you go! As you can see, you need a logo – it’s a vital part of building a successful brand.
To meet this need, Brands has created a feature-rich design suite devoted to building your logo and brand. 
Our BrightPixel Team can help you create a unique and effective Logo to represent your company’s best qualities. 

Monday, October 14, 2019

Top 10 Best SEO Plugins & Tools for WordPress Website

 1.       Yoast SEO Plugin

It is one of the most downloaded WordPress plugin at all times. Yoast’s WordPress SEO is a comprehensive solution for all on-site SEO needs. It allows to add SEO title, meta description & meta keywords to each post and page of your site. You can also write custom title for your main site, archives, category & tag. It allows setting the preferred sitemap, page title, meta description &  URL.
  • It has power to link the site with Google Webmaster console for the task of verification.
  • This Best SEO Plugins & Tool offers full SEO page analysis and provides the score to the page based on some of the focus keywords.
  • On the basis of color indicators, you can identify the page is SEO optimized or not.
  • This plugin is free and can be downloaded from the WordPress. The premium version can be taken from the official website of Yoast.

2.    SEMrush

SEMRush is a tool that Pros use together analytics & insights from their competitor’s help improve their own SEO. You can learn about organic keywords to rank for, places where you can get backlinks from, insights into competitor’s advertising  strategies & more. SEMrush is paid subscription and is used by thousands of SEO professionals all over the world. It can provide an enormous wealth of data.

3.     SEO Ultimate
This is another name in the list of Best SEO Plugins & Tool which is free to use and can be downloaded from a repository of WordPress. It is used for the task of complete on-page Search Engine Optimisation.
  • There is a tag rewriter feature that helps in editing title posts and helps in higher SEO ranking.
  • You can add a Meta description of posts, attachments, categories, and tags etc.
  • There is a features of internal linking through which you can create deep links.
  • You can create open graph data, homepage, user profiles etc with the help of open graph feature.

4.     The SEO framework 

This is a free SEO plugin which has the ability to provide SEO solution that is best for any WordPress site. To look for a reliable SEO solution, this is one of the Best SEO Plugins and tool.
  • This plugin has the feature of supporting bbPress & WooCommerce etc.
  • There is a SEO solution which is beginner friendly.
  • In order to prevent duplicate content, it creates canonical URL with domain mapping.
  • You can create open graph images according to the requirements of users.

5.     SEO Squirrl
Another name in the list of Best SEO Plugin and tool is SEO Squirrly. This tool is actually for the beginners who do not have much knowledge about the SEO. You can create high-quality content which is user-friendly.
  • You can get copyright free images with using this plugin.
  • With just a few clicks, you can focus on e-commerce SEO strategy.
  • You can decide how your website will look on Google with the help of JSON-LD structure & the snippet of squirrly.
  • You will get email alerts in case of any attention is required on the site.

6.     GT-Matrix
GTMetrix is one of the tool that we have found ourselves using more and more to get detailed reports about our site's performance. It is a free tool that analyzes your page's speed using Google Page Speed

7.     Broken link checker

This WordPress plugin helps to check any broken links on the blog or the website. If it finds any, you get a quick notification. Once installed, this plugin will start the task by analyzing the post and other website content to get links. Then it checks if all the links are working properly.
  • Along with the broken links, this plugin helps to detect the missing images, redirects, and links that are not working.
  • You will get an email or a notification on dashboard in case of any findings.
  • It prevents the search engine to follow any of the broken links.
  • From the plugin page, broken links can be directly edited.

8.     WordPress Ping Optimizer
Whenever a new post is published on the website, WordPress has internal feature of service ping. The services that have to ping can be added in the dashboard on the setting page.
  • This optimizer helps to prevent the blog from getting marked as a ping spammer.

9.     WooCommerce
 This is an all in one SEO pack which is one of the Best SEO Plugin and tool. You will be able to see an all in one SEO pack dialog box that appears on the edit products or products screen in WooCommerce.
  • It is very easy and simple to use
  • You can edit & organize meta information of all in one SEO pack

10.     Simple 301 redirects 
This is another Best SEO Plugin which is a free plugin. It is designed in order to provide you with some simple strategies of redirecting a request from one page to another page on the website.
  • You get an easier way to redirect the request to other pages.
  • You can set up 301 redirects from the older page to new page..
These are some of the Best SEO Plugin and tools that can be used in the year 2019 for the WordPressE-commerce Websites.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

10 Ways To Grow Your Business With Facebook

10 Ways To Grow Your Business With Facebook
Every day, Facebook helps hundreds of thousands of small businesses around the world to achieve their goals. Here are ten ways you can grow your business with Social Media Marketing, starting today.
1. Start the conversation
Firstly it should be consistently done by using the findings of the analysis of the brand brief. The initial phase can be one full year. Start the conversation and find out. Not only is engagement proven to make customers more likely to buy, it also helps brands build up a loyal community, keeping you in touch with what people think, want and buy

2. Motivate people
Want people to follow your Page or buy your product? Give them a good reason to take action. Competitions and offers can help businesses reach wider audiences and gain new customers—often within a short period of time.
3. Make your customers part of your story
Happy customers are your ultimate business asset. By encouraging customers to share their feedback on your products and services, not only do you deepen engagement and build trust, you’ll also have the opportunity to reach wider audiences.
4. Make customer service your thing
Great service sets businesses apart from the crowd and keeps customers loyal. Pages messaging is a quick and easy way to answer queries and stay in touch with customers. Visit your Page admin to set your query response time, which lets Page visitors know how quickly you typically answer queries.
5. Give video a try
With around 8 billion video views on Facebook daily, it’s clear that video is winning in the engagement stakes. Don’t be put off by big brands’ high budget productions, though; home-grown video can work just as well.
6. Use Insights to understand what works
Available to every Page is a whole treasure trove of valuable information, in the form of Insights. Here you can find out who’s looking at your Page, when and how. You can also see which types of content they engage with most, so that you can figure out what’s working best. Insights are also handy when you’re using Facebook Ads, because they can help you decide on relevant target audiences and match up Ad copy and creative according to what interests those audiences most.
7. Promote relevant content with target audiences
The second type is adding a creativity by covering the point of interest of the consumer- establishing a channel of communication between the brand and the viewer.

8. Find new audiences

A loyal following is a great starting point for growth. You can find and reach new audiences who are exactly like the kinds of people who are already your customers.  This makes advertising on Facebook less of a guessing game—and way more cost effective than traditional channels.

9. Turn fans into customers
Thanks to new Ad options and formats, it’s now even easier than ever to turn Page fans and website visitors into customers. Many small businesses have found success with Carousel Ads that allow a selection of products to be shown at once. For more inspiration and tips to get Facebook working for your business.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

What is Inbound Marketing and Outbound Marketing

To get information about Inbound and outbound marketing we have to first understand what is marketing. Marketing is a processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. 

Definition of Marketing Research

Marketing research is the main function of marketing. Market research the function that links or connect the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through information–information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate Digital marketing actions; monitor all marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process. Marketing research specifies or suggest the all and total information required to address these issues, designs the method for collecting information, manages and implements the data collection process, analyses the results, and communicates the findings and their implications. 

Two types of Marketing

Outbound marketing refers to any type of marketing where a company initiates the conversation and sends its message out to an audience. Outbound marketing is different or totally opposite of inbound marketing, where the customers find you when they need you. Outbound marketing include more traditional forms of marketing and advertising such as TV commercials, radio ads, print advertisements (newspaper ads, magazine ads, flyers, brochures, catalogues, etc.), tradeshows, outbound sales calls (AKA "cold calls"), and email spam. Many times Outbound marketing we cannot track like inbound marketing basically it is hard to track generally harder to track and less profitable than inbound marketing, yet ironically, organizations spend as much as 90% of their marketing budgets on outbound marketing.

Inbound marketing is a best strategy that uses or utilizes many forms of pull marketing – content marketing, blogs, events, SEO, social media and more – to create brand awareness and attract new business.
Totally opposite to outbound marketing, where marketers attempt to find customers, inbound marketing earns the attention of customers and makes the company easy to be found.

1. The Price of Inbound vs. Outbound
2. It Offers Better Two-Way Communication
3. People Won’t Tune out your messages. Period!
4. Inbound Marketing for Non-Marketers

Inbound marketing is the right investment or a correct option for small businesses

1. The Price of Inbound vs. Outbound

Outbound marketing is a very expensive endeavour. The average cost per lead in India is significantly less when using inbound marketing strategies. 

In outbound marketing is often involves printing and mailing materials costs. Also spreading your message through television, radio or other media, making it out of reach for smaller businesses. Inbound marketing is cheap in cost and anyone with the right skills can do it. You can create your website and blog with content that is targeted to your primary market or niche and with a good content marketing strategy, you can attract your niche audience to you. People do most of the work on the front end building your site, optimizing with SEO and building a website traffic strategy. Social media is a relatively or comparatively inexpensive way to find your target market compared to traditional advertising and print media. As per survey companies are relying more on Social Media, Blogging, Email Marketing and SEO for lead generation than traditional, outbound marketing.

2. It Offers Better Two-Way Communication

The Most important advantage of inbound marketing is that it’s a form of two-way communication where the customer interacts with the business in a dialog. A great example of a successful inbound marketing campaign that illustrated this beautifully is the Narendra Modi 2019 Pry minister Election  campaign which was hammer by social media post to engage, motivate and respond to voter’s needs.

3. People Won’t Tune out your messages. Period!

Outbound marketing means putting or showing your message in front of people whether they want to hear/ see it or not. As a result, its techniques are often intrusive and annoying. Inbound marketing puts your message in front of your target market people and if you present the right content marketing strategy, they will be show by their own curiosity to see what you have to offer.

4. Inbound Marketing for Non-Marketers

Inbound marketing doesn’t feel like marketing. Direct mail or cold calling takes a certain amount of aggressiveness and sales skill. With inbound marketing, you provide valuable content like whitepapers, info graphics and blog posts that help attract your ideal customer. This type of selling is not “selling” in the traditional way, so it’s more appealing to those who hate the image of the pushy salesman and may feel uncomfortable pushing their message.
Inbound marketing as the magnet to acquire the right customer and start today with a plan for how your small business can leverage it in 2015.

So here we are introducing “Bright pixel “company who works in both inbound marketing and Outbound Marketing. For more details please visit our Website