Tuesday, December 10, 2019

5 Powerful LinkedIn Marketing Tips

LinkedIn has definitely come a long way from its release in the year 2003. In just over two decades LinkedIn has spanned into a massive global social platform with many users. In its early days, LinkedIn was all about jobs and resumes but in today’s era, this platform has managed to walk beyond the shell of just jobs and resumes.

People share their views and opinions on various aspects on LinkedIn. They write and share microblogs, pictures, vital excerpts and much more. LinkedIn has morphed into a global business growth platform as it provides a tremendous opportunity for all kinds of ventures be it small businesses or big.

Just like Facebook Marketing, LinkedIn has also welcomed the world of advertising and now you can even generate leads by running paid ad campaigns on LinkedIn, all for a streamlined audience. The plus point here is, LinkedIn marketing is highly powerful and efficient.
Here are few powerful LinkedIn marketing tips that will surely help your business soar.

1.       Create a Good Company Page

A well-equipped company page makes things easier for a brand. Your company page is one of your best assets to reach out to the right people in the LinkedIn world. Make sure you add all the valuable details of your company on the page to build a trust level amongst your audience. Be it the logo, the company size, the category, the posts or your website URL, all of it helps to generate traffic and build trust.

2.       Indulge in Some Good Content

You must have heard it and read it a thousand times, ‘Content is the King!’, well that’s because it is and there are no two ways about it. The more you write and put it out there, the more you succeed in creating a strong position for you and your brand in the digital world. Try and provide value by adding some weight to the content, make it more relevant to the topic you are focusing on. Good content helps in retaining and engaging your audience.

3.       Connect to Individuals

LinkedIn helps you search people who would be relevant and would be a great help to your venture or business in an extremely efficient manner. It is all about building a network at the end of the day. So, make sure you search for relevant people and make a connection by initiating talks.

4.       Promote your Page and Posts
Just creating a credible page is not enough, promotions play an important role. Make sure you boost the content on your page and also make sure you optimize your LinkedIn page. You could add the ‘Follow’ button of your page on your email signature, blogs and website for more exposure.
You could run great ad campaigns on LinkedIn and hit the exact target audience as everything on this platform is very streamlined.

5.       Use Hashtags, Image and Videos

Hashtags are a powerful tool on every social media platform and LinkedIn is no different. Using hashtags is a great way to be discovered by your target audience.
Visual content has a great appeal and attracts a larger crowd. Trying to give out your message using images and videos on your company page or your personal profile will definitely gather a lot of traction.

These were some of the simple yet powerful LinkedIn Marketing tips. We at Bright Pixel being one of the Best Digital Marketing company in Pune and also one of the efficient social media marketing company in Pune make sure that the marketing is done right by leveraging the social media platforms for the benefit of the brand. We also are one of the great SEO company in Pune.
Visit our website to know all about us.


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