Are you puzzled why your conversion rate is so low? Several marketing professionals are willing to try everything possible on the planet to hike their conversion rates. They try making new calls to action, initiate campaigns to drive back traffic to the website, and offer perks to new clients who convert. But, when all these efforts fail to work, the marketing guys are helpless and pull their hair wondering what went wrong. Are you suffering from a similar situation? The reason could be as simple as poor website design.
Here are some of the key design mistakes that might be having an adverse impact on your conversions:
- Using Stock Photos
As buying or creating custom images can be expensive and involve great deal of time, several brands rely on stock images. Using stock images is usually distracting and can make your page look unprofessional. This is no sci-fi theory; it is a fact that has been proven by researches. Making an investment in professional photos is worth the effort. We at Bright-Pixel, Website Design Agency In Pune, understand this.
- Auto Play
Have you experienced how irritating it is when loud music starts playing or a promotional video begins as soon as you land on the webpage? You must have chosen to exit the website immediately. Most of the web surfers leave the webpage when caught by such off-guard music or videos if they cannot soon find how to silence it.
- Too Many Pop-Ups
A well-placed pop-up won’t affect your rate of conversion, but if it is affecting the user from reading the content, you need to give it a second thought. Make sure your pop-ups don’t scare away the users. Assess the click and conversion of each pop-up before deciding whether to keep it or not. Remove unnecessary ones to simplify your design of website and turn it user-friendly.
- Poor Content
Customers first skim through the landing page prior to decide whether to convert or not. That is the reason why your content should be easy to grasp. For instance, if you are an attorney, don’t put legal jargon on your website else your clients would be turn off. The message that you want to convey must be easy to understand.
- Too Much Design Elements
The golden rule in Web Designing is: ‘Less is more’. A fancy layout doesn’t work. Too many animations, pop-ups, images and videos would be ineffective. Too much design elements slow down the browsing speed. You may be mistaken that too many elements may grab the attention but it may in fact be annoying the user.
- Less Mobile- Friendly
It may seem apparent but there are several brands that fail to understand the importance of mobile-friendly website. It has been found that users first browse a product prior to purchase. If your website fails to be user-friendly the clients would not make a purchase. The load time should be swift as well. Bright Pixel, Website Development Company in Pune, makes their website interface easy to use.
- No Search Box
A search box is highly useful for a website as the customer may opt to search on your website if he fails to find something on the landing page instead of looking else where to find it. Lack of a search box makes the user compulsory to navigate through web pages. If the number of clicks to find the information are far too many when the client might choose to exit. You can avoid this by placing a simple search box on the top of the web page.
You can increase the rate of conversion and accelerate your business by adopting these changes in your website. If you are considering to build your own web site or need advice on Digital Marketing or SEO you can contact Bright Pixel – Website Design Company In Pune.
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