Saturday, September 12, 2020

How does design impact your brand identity?

Gone are the days when brand promotions majorly relied on permanent paint jobs. Times have changed. Smarter ways of marketing a brand have come up, which are way more effective and impactful too. Creating brand identity, investing efforts in branding and managing the brand and its online reputation together make any brand worthy – a large corporate, an MNC, a global biggie, a small-scale industry, a start-up, or a locally emerging brand. While brand identity is undoubtedly the face of a brand, it is important to make a brand ‘experiential’ through various effective branding strategies. And what else could be the most paramount tool than design?

It’s a fact that design elements hold a measurable impact on your brand identity, and it has grown much beyond its conventional definition of a logo, a tagline, typography and packaging. Design lets you communicate more about your brand with customers and prospective buyers. It reflects what you want to say through a brand in tens of different impactful ways. It helps your brand stand out and be unforgettable, pushes consistent branding efforts, delights existing audience and attracts more prospects, and adds more power to packaging if you sell physical products.

Realize the power of wall graphics and vinyl printing as branding tools

Timeline Graphic Design

Have you been realizing lately that your physical office space is too plain and needs an immediate facelift? Do you think that your brand’s presence is not felt in its very own office space? Are you looking for an out-of-the-box promotional tool for the next event? Space branding might be the ultimate solution that you have been looking for.

Aesthetics and ambience at office spaces play a crucial role in growth of businesses. Space branding solutions have the power to create branded environments at offices or casual promotional settings. They can do a lot more than just adding your brand’s logo everywhere. Google, Amazon, Flipkart, Facebook, and several other behemoths have already set phenomenal examples in front of the world, and now it’s time that even the smallest and newest of businesses also adopt the same strategy to boost their brand identities to all new levels.

Modern businesses are realizing the significance of having a positive brand identity, both virtual and physical, and are thus considering it on priority. Marketing contentgraphics, images, text and layouts, everything is high in demand. At the same time, it has become necessary to make sure that online and physical branding must complement each other to reflect the best results. Moreover, just like how the halo effect works for a brand’s identity amongst its targeted customers, it also determines the same amongst its employees.

While customers and prospects love experiential brand identities, existing and under-recruitment employees also demand the same when it comes to office environment, workspace sentiments and overall work culture. Apart from customer retention and client satisfaction, these effective marketing tools facilitate creativity at workplaces in a novel way. With contemporary business environments believing more in creating excellent first impressions, both virtually and physically, visual branding activities are garnering more prominence. Wall graphics are particularly in demand, followed by vinyl printing, and custom glass graphics.

We’re experts in wall graphics and vinyl printing solutions

Wall graphics can instantly transform ordinary wall surfaces into powerful marketing and branding tools. With wall graphics, walls of offices, co-working spaces, and even homes can turn into dynamic message boards. Boom in demand for visual communication solutions triggers innovation. While organizations are developing interest in this form of visual branding tools with an aim to extend their message, homeowners are equally interested in implementing these types of graphics for enhanced décor and ambience.

Vinyl lettering & printing can cast a lasting impression of your brand. Themed graphics, logo prints, mission & vision statements, inspirational & motivational quotes, branding messages and many other wall graphic elements – possibilities of communicating with clients and employees are virtually endless.

With brands getting more intangible, brand identities also have to be more visual, emotional, personal and experiential. Wall graphics excellently play the role of a storyteller. An extremely affordable kind of space branding tool, wall graphics are powerful enough to breathe a new life into your brand’s identity. If you wish to include affordable wall graphics solutions in your next marketing arsenal, we’re a premium creative advertising and brand design agency in Pune, specialized in graphics design, space branding, custom wall graphics & glass graphics and vinyl printing solutions.

Wall graphics personalize office or home spaces, offer them an inviting outlook and enhance communication. While businesses can communicate their brands better, residences instantly get visual appraisal with graphic solutions like custom wall graphics and glass graphics.

We’re a sought-after space branding company in Pune, with an expert team of seasoned design professionals and marketers. We’ve been working with corporate offices, hospitality chains, retail brands and non-profits on their space branding strategies. Customized wall graphics have been a great way for them to communicate their brand values with customers, prospective clients and employees. Vinyl graphics printing has also been way too versatile and cost-efficient for them in achieving desired results out of branding efforts.

Modernize your office space – go for space branding solutions like wall graphics and vinyl printing. Let your workplace be the picture of your brand, and let employees themselves be your brand ambassadors! Are you worried about fewer resources and lesser space to brand? We’re just a call away to discuss how you can implement office branding in limited space and how spatial graphic design ideas will influence your brand’s identity!

Monday, August 10, 2020

Key Features Every E-Commerce Website Should Have


E-Commerce is the exchange of products or services online without any geographic hurdle to buying. Basically, if you sell anything directly via your website then you possess an E-Commerce website. In order to run an online business, an eCommerce website is utmost essential. Still, it is of equal importance to incorporate all the significant features in the website to ensure success. A fair enough E-Commerce website will provide all the means to the buyer and the trader to facilitate them in getting involved into a fruitful transaction.

There are certain elements every ecommerce site should possess to remain relevant and competitive.  Here is a list of top 10 features every E-Commerce  website should have:


1.    Shopping Cart



This is a vital feature of every E-Commerce store. The cart is where your end customers store their stuff to continue with the checkout procedure. A flexible cart allows user to checkout comfortably.


2.    Payment Gateway Incorporations


A decent E-Commerce  website offers you an alternative of incorporating several payment gateways by not restricting your options to a selected few. Bright Pixel, Website Design Agency In Pune, builds sites with pre-approved payment gateways that you can easily integrate with your online store.


3.    Order management


A complete order management panel shortens the task of the trader by providing means of getting thorough information pertaining to cancellation by buyers, refunds, Cash On Delivery, verification of order, status of exchange order much more.

     4. Security


This feature ensures that no critical information for instance credit card details gets saved and the checkout is processed via a safe and secure payment gateway. The passwords must be hashed and not stored in a readable form.

    5. Scalable Infrastructure


The host infrastructure should be able to scale up with increase in traffic. A higher inactivity leads to fall in transaction rates and results in monetary loss. The site should provide excellent uptime, assuring that the website is readily available everywhere and at any time. At Bright pixel, Website Development Company In Pune, we help in constructing websites that are scalable.


     6. Mobile Friendly

Great E-Commerce websites usually offer outstanding mobile compatibility. According to an estimate 80% of all online adults possess a smartphone. Mobile visits, in quite a many case now, outrank desktop use. Your E-Commerce site needs to be designed and built for all devices, not just a personal computer or laptops.

      7. Reports


The reports should be accessible which contain in detail information about the orders, customer database, and product reports in terms of catalogue. It is highly useful for analyzing the growth of the business. The websites should preferably be pre-integrated with marketing tools and analytics to enhance the Brand Marketing and read reports about the performance of the store.

    8. Integration of Logistics


Integrating logistics services permits not only seamless shipping but also assures that the merchant and the buyer get real time courier informs along with order tracking capability. This lets the user to manage shipments from the same panel rather than approaching the courier partners distinctly.

    9. FAQs


Having common queries swiftly and easily answered will refrain buyers from cancelling a purchase due to lack of proper framed returns policy or your delivery timescales. That is why you must get an FAQ section.



   10. Product Pages


Each product should mandatorily have its separate page that provides details about the product and has other significant information such as variations, price, dimensions, delivery timescales, pictures, reviews and social share buttons. 

An E-Commerce site needs not merely be pleasing to the eye but must offer a stress-free shopping experience too. By developing an online store with Bright Pixel, Website Design Company In Pune, it is easy to navigate along with a seamless checkout process on any device and you will retain your customers and expand your business by acquiring new ones.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Grow Your Small Business with Retargeting

Imagine this scene: You visit a shopping site to find the perfect pair of shoes for your morning walk. You chose one and place them in your cart, but as you’re about to place the order, you receive an urgent call that provokes you to leave the site before you can finish the purchase. In the material world, that is where the story sadly ends. Your pair of perfect shoes sit in your abandoned shopping cart, and you probably fail to recall about them.

But, how would be the situation if the store had a means to keep track of you and the shoes you nearly purchased? How would it be if, a few days later, you see an advertisement on an email flyer offering those perfect shoes and present you a 15% discount? Would you purchase them?  You’d be more probable to remember how perfect the shoes were and finally go back and buy them. Basically, this is how retargeted ads work.

What is Retargeting? Simply put, retargeting is the process of converting window-shoppers into buyers. It is a marketing strategy that allows you to target users who visited your website for the first time and left without converting.
As per a research, only 2% of users that visit your website initially for the first time will convert or follow through with your call to action. With this approach, yet, you can try re-engaging the remaining 98% by screening them appropriate ads meeting their interest to get them to come back to your site and make a purchase.

There is a constant evolvement in the digital advertising space. Along with this evolution arrives the need for segmentation. Delivery of a convincing message to your site visitors who are not converted is a valuable method for growing sales and to capitalize on your digital Return on Investment. The necessity to be shrewd with the messaging, and continue your focus on the long term, is further vital than ever.

Irrespective of how memorable or interesting your business might be, majority of people who visit your site or are going to leave short of signing up, buying, or contacting you. Retargeting ads keeps your brand in the memory of visitors after they leave, giving you a second, third, or even fourth chance to fetch them back and convert. Retargeting can be unbelievably effective for businesses that invest the time and effort to manage and optimize their ad campaigns.

Why Retargeting is must to bloom your small business? Retargeting, is a commanding way to reach your customers with exactly the right message at exactly the right point in their customer journey. Retargeting is an honestly upfront, cookie-based practice. Each time a new visitor visits your site, the code known as a pixel drops an unspecified browser cookie. Further, when your visitors browse the web, the cookie will allow your retargeting provider know when to display your ads, confirming that your content is visible only to people who have formerly visited your site.

At Bright Pixel, a leading digital marketing agency in Pune, you can meet your retargeting advertising needs. You can let your business grow manifold by advertising via our online marketing company in Pune. The two main goals for retargeting campaigns are typically awareness or conversion and these goals are met by Bright Pixel, social media agency in Pune.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Regulating marketing budget will help to sustain efficiency in a stagnant market

With each passing day, newer compromises are being made in order to sustain a basic standard of living in the world. The world has sheltered itself into a cocoon and adapted itself into a new world which prioritises an online existence. This world changing pandemic has hit the all the industries extremely hard but it has delivered a heavy hit the vital bolt which keeps the wheel turning; the marketing industry.
In a world, where consumers are not able enough to physically purchase products, marketing plays an extremely vital role. Industries have been squeezed dry when it comes to revenue, the lack of demand has dealt a heavy hand to several industries for e.g. Ecommerce, Travel, Sports, Entertainment, etc. This has created a revenue and demand vacuum in the world. In lieu of this disaster, several companies have thought about sucking their marketing budgets dry. With a withering revenue stream, having an exponential marketing budget might seem foolhardy. However, a complete elimination approach might prove to be a worse tactic. No marketer can expect a client to sustain a continuous influx of funds, but with an Online Marketing plan which regulates resources and churns out an optimum usage plan might be able at least sustain their position rather than dive deep into obscurity. Branding works best long term and cutting the marketing budget too much without urgency can have an extreme negative impact on the brand after the pandemic is over. Digital marketing agencies in Pune must work tirelessly in order to implement a marketing plan which thrives in this shaky and unpredictable market.
Social media marketing
Being opportunistic at a time like this is a must, preparation for recovery and thriving in tumultuous situation has to be done through a constant online presence in the minds of consumers. Using a social media marketing tunnel is extremely useful, when resources are low using them to cement and gain interest in popular products is a good way to keep consumers engaged and avoid critical situations. Now is the time to explore low cost techniques which will keep your brand visible to consumers on a steady basis. Customer service is an important conversion factor, so by optimizing your user interface and regularly upgrading it will ensure a fast paced and fluidic experience for consumers. Maintaining a constant communication with your target consumers can help in hearing and understanding their needs and learning more about the market through Social Media will help in directing your resources into a funnel which is sure to gain benefits. Marketing agencies in this unpredictable market must be able to understand which approach will generate the most revenue and earn new but loyal customers. Regularly upgrading and updating evergreen content will keep consumers engaged and will keep the brands existence fixed in their mind. Basically, a marketer must use their limited resources to retain the existing customer base, get visibility in the target market and drive conversions.
Bright Pixel is a web designing agency in Pune that provides you a one stop to all your web branding needs. It takes into account the need for a bullish E-commerce presence in today’s quarantined world and aids companies to reinstate and reintegrate their firm grip on this Web based market. Bright Pixel not only offers a fluidic marketing platform, but it also assists companies in building a finer cutting edge required in today’s Consumer headed market. Graphics, Content, Analytics, Brand Development and Integration, Web Design are just a glimpse of what Bright Pixel can provide.

Friday, May 15, 2020

ऑनलाईन विक्रीतून व्यवसाय वाढवा – Article 2

हेन्री फोर्डने पहिली मोटार रस्त्यावर चालवली तेव्हा काही जुन्या विचाराना चिकटून राहणारे लोक म्हणाले, हे तात्पुरते ‘फॅड’ आहे जे जाणार  आहे आणि घोडागाड्याच कायम, पुढेही राहणार  आहेत. आज जगाला किती वाहनांचा उपयोग झाला हे आपल्याला दिसते. याचा अर्थ नक्की की ज्या नव्या गोष्टीत जगाला उपयोग दिसतो ती गोष्ट लोक उचलून  धरतात, अधिकाधिक वापरतात.
थोडक्यात बदलत्या काळाबरोबर आपणही दृष्टिकोन बदलायला हवा !
तुम्हीच विचार करा… आमच्यावेळी असे नव्हते… आमच्यावेळी हे, ते  नव्हते, असे आपण किती दिवस बोलणार. साधे उदाहरण  घ्या. चुलीच्याजागी किचन गॅस आला, आता इंडक्शनवर स्वयंपाक होतो. कारण काळ बदलत जातो, नवनवे प्रोडक्ट्स येतात. जीवनशैली बदलते. तरीही काही व्यक्ती आपला दृष्टिकोन का बदलत नाहीत! या मानसिकतेचे एक कारण आहे. त्यांना जे चालले ते ठीक चालले आहे, मग का ते बदलायचे असे वाटते. नव्या गोष्टी स्वीकारण्यात त्यांना रिस्क वाटते. त्यांना नीट माहिती नसते, ती किती सोपी आहे, प्रगत आहे, त्यात कसा जास्त फायदा आहे ते तो माहीत करून घेत नाहीत. जे हे समजावून घेतात तेच पुढे जातात, जीवन, व्यवसाय समृद्ध करतात.
आज नव्या जगात सगळ्यात मोठा बदल आणला आहे मोबाईल फोन्स, कॉम्पुटर व Internet & websites ने आपली एकदुसऱ्याला  संपर्क करण्याची पद्धत बदलली आहे, वेगवान झाली आहे.  वस्तूंच्या खरेदी-विक्री करण्याच्या पद्धतीतही बदल झाला आहे.  लोक  आता जगभर online shopping करत आहेत. घरी लागणाऱ्या गहू तांदळापासून कॉस्मेटिक्स, कपडे, शूज व मोबाईल फोनपर्यंत आपण वेबसाईट पाहून वस्तू विकत घेत आहोत. या पद्धतीला आपण म्हणतो Online shopping, ती  आपण करतो E-Commerce website वर !
ऑनलाईन शॉपिंग-आता खरेदी लगेच आणि सहजपणे !
आठवा, परवाच तुम्ही बेडशीट्स खरेदी करण्यासाठी काय केलेत! मार्केटमध्ये गेलात , वेगवेगळी बेडशीट्स पहिलीत,  अनेक दुकाने फिरलात, व शेवटी पसंत पडलेले बेडशीट घरी आणलेत. यात वेळ, एनर्जी व पैसे खर्च झाले. हेच बेडशीट तुम्ही Online shopping website वर घरबसल्या मोबाईलवर, एखाद्या वेबसाईटवर सर्च केले असते व एका क्लिकने ते  घरपोच मिळवले असते. ऑनलाईन खरेदी आज इतकी सोपी व बचतही करणारी आहे.
तुम्हीही ऑनलाईन विक्रीतून व्यवसाय अनेक पटीने वाढवू शकता- थोड्या बजेटमध्ये!
व्यवसाय वाढवण्यासाठी आपण शोरूम ,शाखा वाढवतो. पण याबरोबर आता तुम्ही तुमच्या प्रोडक्ट्सची विक्री ऑनलाईन करू शकता. यासाठी मार्ग आहे आपल्या कंपनीची E Commerce Website तयार करणे! Web Design Agency in Pune ही ईकॉमर्स वेबसाईट तुम्हाला तयार करून देऊ शकते  या वेबसाईटवर तुम्ही आपल्या प्रोडक्ट्चा व त्यांची किंमत  सांगणारा E catalogue दाखवू शकता.
Ecommerce website:  पुरेपूर फायदे!
हा मार्ग तुम्हाला वाटतो तसा खर्चिक व अवघड नाही. तो वापरण्यास सोपा आहे.
  • शोरूम,दुकानाचा कामाचा व्याप व खर्च नाही.
  • वाजवी खर्चात ही वेबसाईट होऊ शकते व वेळोवेळी नवे प्रोडक्ट्स त्यावर दाखवता येतात. कमीतकमी संख्येची expert टीम हे काम करू शकते .
  • शोरूमसारखी यास सुट्टी नाही- येथे हा व्यवसाय तुम्ही २४ तास करू शकता.
  • ग्राहकांबरोबर प्रोडक्ट्च्या किमतीची घासाघीस नाही. पेमेन्टचे अकौंटही उत्तम ठेवता येते . यासाठी वेबसाईटला तुमच्या बँकेचे खाते जोडता येते व ग्राहक प्रोडक्ट् ऑर्डर करताना कार्डने पेमेंट भरतो व ते थेट तुमच्या खात्यात जमा होते . यालाच Payment gateway म्हणतात.
  • सर्वात महत्वाचे, तुमची वेबसाईट साऱ्या जगात प्रसारित होते व जगभर तुमचे प्रोडक्ट् विकले जाऊ शकते व व्यवसाय जगभर वाढतो.
  • ह्या वेबसाईटचा तुम्हाला जगातील हव्या त्या भागात प्रसार वेबसाईट एजन्सी तुम्हाला करून देते. त्यामळे तुमचा व्यवसाय तुमच्या Business & marketing Target प्रमाणे वाढवता येतो.
Bright Pixel ही Website Design & Development Company in Pune आहे. या एजन्सीने ऑनलाईन कॉस्मेटिक ब्रँड [ SSCPL Herbals ], पेंटिंग्ज [Saiartonline] , ऑनलाईन पैठणी [ Swapnagandha collection ], औषधे [ Green pharmacy ] कंपन्यांच्या ईकॉमर्स वेबसाईट Ecommerce website केल्या आहेत. दर महिन्याला ही एजन्सी या वेबसाईटवर नवनवे प्रोडक्ट्स या कंपन्यांनी दिलेल्या  माहितीनुसार प्रसारित करते व वेबसाईट्चा  प्रसार करते. यातून या Online sale of products दिवसागणिक वाढतो.
या कंपन्यांच्या वेबसाईट तुम्ही अवश्य पहा व त्यानंतर Bright Pixel website नक्कीच पहा . यात तुम्हाला Ecommerse website वेगवेगळ्या प्रोडक्ट्स साठी कसे  केले आहे हे पाहावयास मिळेल. यावर तुम्हाला Graphic design, Space branding , Brochure design, Website design, Digital marketing कामाची उपयुक्त माहिती मिळेल

Friday, April 17, 2020


Quarantine – A period of isolation. Frustrated??? Worried for your business???
There’s no equation these are uncertain times, but how we have business and leaders react to the situation and proactively prepare for the future will set us apart.
We do not allow us all to go out, but technology is allowing people to carry on in many areas of their work.  We can assume that the more people are working from home, the more flexible the ‘workday’ becomes. This means that people may do personal or business types of searches at any hour of the day or evening. So why waste time????
How a business treats marketing can make or break them. The answer in these times is to not stop marketing. It’s a good idea to reallocate the existing marketing budget (like the budget for events or billboards) to different digital channels.
To – dos for marketers in the current crises.
Shift Offline To Online Marketing.
Website and social media platforms are excellent marketing tools. Ultimately, online marketing gives you the opportunity to market your brand in creative and exciting ways.  Morden business must ensure that we do not leave them behind. An online presence is one of the most important investment that a business can make.
Create A Standout Business Website.
Think of your website as the cornerstone of your brand. It will probably be the first point at which people learn about your business.
Redesign Your Website.
Ideally, you should do a full redesign of your website every two to three years to stay Morden. A website should communicate in a better way with your customers. To make your website more appealing and easy navigation system to gain more visitors and increase sales. To make the website more visually appealing with the latest graphic technologies.
Search Engine Optimisation.
SEO is a long-term strategy. You should not divert your SEO budget, you should carry on because Google’s algorithms are not taking a break during a crisis.
Ramp Up Your Digital Content.
Most consumers shop across multiple channels want to connect and engage with brands through digital channels. Most business has made or are begging to make the transition to better engage today’s digital consumers. They must integrate offline with online methods, they must collect consumer data across all touchpoints, and marketers understand that personalized digital experiences will drive success.
Don’t isolate your business marketing.
For more details, please contact “Bright pixel” Pune most reliable digital marketing agency.
Bright your business future with bright pixel.
Stay home.. Stay safe .