Tuesday, February 8, 2022

How to Invest In SEO?


One of the major factors in growing your business and increasing your sales is using an efficient marketing strategy to lure your customers. Having said that, it is no surprise that Search Engine Optimization is what every business needs to attract their clients. SEO helps in attracting the targeted audience to your sites and thus improves your conversion rates. SEO for medium and small-sized businesses is the most valuable technique for creating unique brand visibility and building an effective web presence for your company.

However, testing your SEO strategy can be a little tricky because:

  • Results often take longer than six months.
  • Even if the results materialize, it is hard to quantify or attribute to one single project.
  • It’s not just a financial investment; you also need product resources.

So, now there are a few following questions that might strike your mind:

  • Should you invest in SEO in the first place?
  • How much should you invest in SEO?
  • How do you structure your SEO investment?
  • How do you measure your SEO investment?

Should you invest in SEO?

Good SEO is a multidimensional strategy that can help you advertise, sell, and build your brand, and it’s an essential factor for investment for every business.

Here are a few reasons why investing in good SEO is money well spent.

  • Increased website traffic
  • Better quality traffic
  • Improved user experience
  • Increased brand awareness and authority
  • Good return on investment

How much should you invest in SEO?

While calculating how much money to invest in SEO, it’s wise to calculate these numbers according to your revenue. If you choose an arbitrary amount, you risk exceeding your budget or depleting resources in other areas of your business that are equally important.

Some businesses require more focus on marketing strategy than others, but on average, most companies invest around 5 to 15% of their total revenue in their marketing strategy. Of this percentage, around 10 to 20% might go into SEO development in particular.

The key here is to develop a thumb rule for your business based on your business, your income, and your specific requirements. Of course, you may decide to be less or more aggressive with your SEO strategy. For example, if your budget is limited, at first you can only focus on web and email SEO campaigns. As your business expands, you can develop a more holistic SEO strategy, including content creation, video, and more.

How do you structure your SEO investment?

By this point, you’re probably convinced that you need to invest in a good SEO strategy and that you need to do more than just a one-time SEO audit. But the main question is: how exactly do you structure your SEO investment?

  • Hire a strong SEO team.
  • Provide them with the necessary resources to implement the plan they have worked out.

Hiring a strong SEO

So, what should you do while investing in a strong SEO team? You’ll likely want them to have a good experience and a solid helping of:

  • Data and tech-savviness.
  • Intelligence about the industry
  • Good web development knowledge
  • Better communication ability
Providing them with the resources they require

There are many different resources that your SEO plan might depend on:

  • Budget for different tools, hiring contractors, working with an agency, etc.
  • Good writers for creating better content.
  • SEO analysts for monitoring the health of SEO metrics and evaluating the impact of SEO projects.
  • Web designers to help with any type of user interface issues.
  • Product managers to manage SEO related product work

How do you measure your SEO investment?

Despite SEO projects taking time to show results, you need to keep positive expectations. It may happen that you do not see results for about six months, and some of the results might be difficult to quantify. But this does not mean that SEO projects will never show a positive impact. Although the results are likely to take around a year to show up, the outcomes will benefit your business.

Now, the question that arises in this context is how to measure your SEO investment. One might also ask whether to measure SEO success on a project basis or a site-wide basis. If you expect more than 50 % growth from SEO efforts, then you can consider the complete SEO driven revenue to measure success. Also, proxy metrics, like search engine rankings, organic website traffic, or goal completions are helpful, but eventually, you must measure SEO driven revenue to know the real impact of your SEO success.

Bright Pixel is a leading SEO Company in Pune. Our team of highly skilled and experienced SEM / SEO specialists can assist you to flourish online by providing the best solutions.

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